As long as I have brain space and time I like to try new recipes. Making foods from scratch is such a joy for me, plus it saves money and tastes so yummy! This Summer I have tried new recipes for Honey Wheat Bread and Flour Tortillas. Both recipes are very easy and are now staples in our home. Ella's comment after eating the tortillas was, "Mom, these are better than the ones from the store." Absolutely.
A couple of years ago I had the aforesaid brain space and time to search how to make my own household cleaners at home. So currently I make a bleach solution, an all-purpose cleaning solution and glass cleaning solution. Easy!
My most recent homemade item is Laundry Soap. I had heard about making your own laundry soap but hadn't made the time to research the idea. Well, an email from a friend, with the easiest of directions, enticed me to give it a try. We have become a homemade laundry soap family. The soap was enjoyable to make and so very inexpensive it's almost laughable.
The Items Are:
Ivory Soap
Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
5 Gallon Bucket
Cheese Grater
Lots o' Water
General Directions are: Melt Ivory Soap in water. Fill 1/2 of Bucket with hot water, add the Ivory Soap, 2 C. of Borax and 2 C. Washing Soda. Stir, stir, stir until dissolved and then fill the bucket full of hot water. Let sit overnight. To use: put a manageable amount in a clean laundry detergent container. Use 1 C. per load.
Doesn't that sound too good to be true? My items totaled $10.95. I happened to buy a 10 Gallon container instead of a 5 Gallon bucket (because the price was less - and because I'm not the one carrying it downstairs...) so I made a double batch to start me off. I can easily get 20 Gallons out of this first round of supplies. The Borax and Washing Soda will last me longer than the Ivory Soap, so I'll just be buying that, 4 bars for $1, for a while. My $10.95 also includes the 1 time purchase of a cheese grater and a container. So my cost in the future will be $6.00 (for the Borax, Ivory and Washing Soda). We figured that 1, 10 Gallon container provides me with 320 Cups/Loads of soap for the low price of $5.50. I have already tried my new soap on a few loads of laundry and the results are great! And if you're wondering what it smells like, well, Ivory soap!
If you are interested in making your own laundry soap, let me know and I'll send you the extremely detailed email that was sent to me. It includes pictures too.
A couple of years ago I had the aforesaid brain space and time to search how to make my own household cleaners at home. So currently I make a bleach solution, an all-purpose cleaning solution and glass cleaning solution. Easy!
My most recent homemade item is Laundry Soap. I had heard about making your own laundry soap but hadn't made the time to research the idea. Well, an email from a friend, with the easiest of directions, enticed me to give it a try. We have become a homemade laundry soap family. The soap was enjoyable to make and so very inexpensive it's almost laughable.
The Items Are:
Ivory Soap
Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
5 Gallon Bucket
Cheese Grater
Lots o' Water
Doesn't that sound too good to be true? My items totaled $10.95. I happened to buy a 10 Gallon container instead of a 5 Gallon bucket (because the price was less - and because I'm not the one carrying it downstairs...) so I made a double batch to start me off. I can easily get 20 Gallons out of this first round of supplies. The Borax and Washing Soda will last me longer than the Ivory Soap, so I'll just be buying that, 4 bars for $1, for a while. My $10.95 also includes the 1 time purchase of a cheese grater and a container. So my cost in the future will be $6.00 (for the Borax, Ivory and Washing Soda). We figured that 1, 10 Gallon container provides me with 320 Cups/Loads of soap for the low price of $5.50. I have already tried my new soap on a few loads of laundry and the results are great! And if you're wondering what it smells like, well, Ivory soap!
If you are interested in making your own laundry soap, let me know and I'll send you the extremely detailed email that was sent to me. It includes pictures too.
Do you use dryer sheets? Once I am out, I am buying dryer balls. You just toss those in your dryer and it helps dry the clothes as well as soften them.
I have also been trying to get the diapers outside to dry some. I got a drying rack (no clothesline) and can hang a load on it and in a few hours they are dry. I toss them in the dryer to soften a bit and they are ready to go.
I stopped using bleach because of the chemicals and have been using plain old baking soda instead.
My whole family, my mom more so, thinks I am insane.
Add in the home schooling and the knitting and the breastfeeding and making your own baby food.....(-:
Does the soap end up being liquid or powder at the end? And if liquid, how do you store it? It seems a little dangerous with little ones to have vats of liquid soap, right?
I'm still considering...:)