The Splendors of Fall

Yes, I know the weather is currently wet, gray and cold. But there are splendors of Fall all around you, dear Reader.

Look around at the colors of the trees. Each time we take a ride in the car I have my children notice the changing leaf colors and have them tell me the colors they see. Beauty. Here is what we are able to gaze at in our own front yard.

I did not know my trees when we first moved into our home, but quickly learned our first Fall that the Sugar Maple is quite a beauty when she changes her colors. 

We've been clearing our vegetable garden. Or I should say, I have been! My husband and I did a Switcheroo (!) this week. He is working inside our home on a project, so I took myself outside to be of some use. I don't think I've helped Jesse in the past clear the garden because I don't recall the amount of work it is to clear the plants. I cleared  the plants and all that is left is to chop them down for the compost pile. I'm saving that for when Jesse can help me. Ha!

One fun thing I did in clearing away the plants was to gather our gourds.

We grew apple gourds and goose neck gourds. One goose neck and 6 apple adorn a table downstairs ready to dry. We could tell from the outset that probably only 1 vine of goose neck gourds was thriving. That's okay. This is our first year to try these gourds and we're happy with whatever we've been given. It will be fun to see what my husband creates from these treasures after they are dry. I suspect he'll create birdhouses.The drying process takes months so I'll be patient in the meantime.

And since this is the season for pumpkin carving... I found a deal on a pumpkin...$2.99. In case we're not able to make it to a pumpkin patch I snatched up this deal. Like the garden, my husband usually takes care of the pumpkin but I took the initiative this year while he continues his indoor project. I gathered a spoon and scooped. I clutched a knife and hacked away. Here is what I came up with. Doesn't he look scared?

 And yes, I know he doesn't have a stem. I was a little sad about this. However, this was the largest pumpkin of the bunch and my daughter picked him out. What do you do? Say, "No, he must have a stem?" Of course not. We went in favor of size.


Abby said…
Give him a hat. Then no one will know he is stemless. LOL.
Anonymous said…
Have we talked about gourds? My dad grows them. He has hundreds of beautiful pieces he has carved, woodburned, stained...
Gourds are awesome, and so is that very sweet stemless pumpkin. :)
Rachel said…
A hat is a good idea!

Amanda - I think I saw some photos of gourds your dad made on your blog. I'll look at the link you posted.