A Lady and Her Garden
This lady misses her garden
and longs to draw the Spring
back from its sleep -
the birds, the warmth, the green.
To get her hands in the dirt,
to pick the pole beans,
to watch the leaves unfurl, the flowers bloom,
to taste the peppers, lettuce, cukes,
to see small hands grow as the season moves.
This lady truly misses her garden.
She must wait.
The ground will rest
then wake
when He bids it work again.
Spring arrives March 10, 2010.
Sus - I'm not a Southern gal. Even though Dad is from Arkansas, I was born there and we vacationed there often, and it seems I can have Southern tendencies...I just can't see our family in the South. It IS warm though...and family members who now live in Texas LOVE it. :-)