Fried Chicken, Signs of Life and Artwork
My mom makes the best fried chicken. I'm sure a lot of people say that about their mother's version of fried chicken. It's been a while since I've tasted my mom's fried chicken, but last weekend it was mine to savor. Well, not just me. My family along with my parents.
We enjoyed the fried chicken along with mashed potatoes, corn and bread.
A round of Candyland.
Some jump rope...I know I wasn't allowed to do this activity indoors growing up.
And here my Dad is a co-conspirator!
There are also Signs of Life peeking through the dirt.
Here some Lilies are rising...
The Hyacinth are in the backyard...we'll see if they survive our dog's trampling.
And here is some art by my little bundles.
My Son's Airplane (along with his name)
My Daughter's (scary) Dragon
Her idea was to scare her brother every morning with the dragon. Oh my!
Instead it resides over our schooling table.