Acknowledging Autumn
As much as I adore this time of year I haven't even
acknowledged its existence with an appropriate post on this blog.
So I hereby interrupt my vacation posts
with some Autumn pics from yesteryear.
A couple of years ago I had the kids help me potato stamp
some (decorative) towels for the season.
This is the 3rd year the towels adorn the handle on my oven,
and hopefully there will be many more
since I don't actually use them as towels!
The two longer towels were made using examples from a book of two different tree branches, and of course since the beauty of the image matters more to my sensibilities than the detail of the name, I can't share that with you (I'm working on learning Nature details since certain members of my family do so. I want to be part of the group!) The shorter towel is of pumpkins and gourds. I simply cut the shapes of the leaves, berries, stems, and gourds and then guided the children to press them into place. Roone was only two years old at the time and helped!
And because I'm waxing nostalgic thinking on these towels,
here are two old pics of my own little pumpkins in Autumn:
Ella at age one:
Roone at age one: