The Garden
The garden is growing,
not fully producing yet, though.
Lettuce and Cilantro are bountiful.
Green Beans,
and just a couple (!) of Cosmos (flowers)
are well on there way to looking great come July.
I rarely purchase annuals anymore.
Usually lasting one season
(unless they go to seed and replant themselves)
the bang for the buck just isn't there.
Usually lasting one season
(unless they go to seed and replant themselves)
the bang for the buck just isn't there.
However, I consistently buy Purslane
(a spreader which does well in a shallow planter like this old birdbath;
the blooms open during the day and close at night)
and my Treasures gave me Impatience for Mother's Day.
(Isn't the planter cool? Jesse's Grandpa handed it down to us
and it's a favorite of mine.)