using the garden
We don't garden in the Winter.
Maybe one day we will, but with homeschooling elementary age children it's nice to have some months where we don't have as many outdoor duties. In fact, in the cold weather months I don't help with anything outdoors! So, really, this break is for me. My husband enjoys his outdoor tasks, so it works out well!
However, it is enjoyable to still reap benefits from our garden even now in these months. Frozen tomatoes have been used to make sauces for goulash, chicken parmesan, and sausage pasta. Frozen salsa has been used as a marinade for chicken to make tacos. Frozen green pepper and squashes are ready for vegetable soups. Basil pesto and sage pesto are on hand to add to many a dish, and I have quite a supply of dried rosemary, sage and thyme as well.
One item that slipped my mind until last week was the spearmint leaves I had dried in the Fall. I hadn't taken the time to make tea from the leaves yet, but once I did I was so glad! Coffee is my morning drink, but I just don't like to drink it throughout the day. I can't handle too much coffee - I get jittery! So hot tea is my go-to drink, and now mint tea it is.
Our frozen vegetables will probably be consumed by mid-February. I don't keep a detailed log of our garden and consumption, but having supply through February is good for us. Each year we try to grow more and use the food wisely. Really, gardening has helped me have a mind that considers what is wise, frugal, practical in the kitchen. Doing this in one area, say gardening, then adjusts my mindset to think this way in other areas too.
Maybe one day we will, but with homeschooling elementary age children it's nice to have some months where we don't have as many outdoor duties. In fact, in the cold weather months I don't help with anything outdoors! So, really, this break is for me. My husband enjoys his outdoor tasks, so it works out well!
However, it is enjoyable to still reap benefits from our garden even now in these months. Frozen tomatoes have been used to make sauces for goulash, chicken parmesan, and sausage pasta. Frozen salsa has been used as a marinade for chicken to make tacos. Frozen green pepper and squashes are ready for vegetable soups. Basil pesto and sage pesto are on hand to add to many a dish, and I have quite a supply of dried rosemary, sage and thyme as well.
One item that slipped my mind until last week was the spearmint leaves I had dried in the Fall. I hadn't taken the time to make tea from the leaves yet, but once I did I was so glad! Coffee is my morning drink, but I just don't like to drink it throughout the day. I can't handle too much coffee - I get jittery! So hot tea is my go-to drink, and now mint tea it is.
Our frozen vegetables will probably be consumed by mid-February. I don't keep a detailed log of our garden and consumption, but having supply through February is good for us. Each year we try to grow more and use the food wisely. Really, gardening has helped me have a mind that considers what is wise, frugal, practical in the kitchen. Doing this in one area, say gardening, then adjusts my mindset to think this way in other areas too.