Today was my birthday. It began with homemade chocolate chip and cherry scones (baked by my family...I didn't help even a tidge), then we spent the entire day out and about biking at two state parks, lunching, driving wonderful rolling country roads, enjoying simply being together.
I always seem to get contemplative when my birthday rolls around, and this time I've been thinking of all that the people in my life have given me. Not things, mind you, but intangibles like lessons learned and character imparted. This is my list, which could be more expansive, but I've listed what in there and now I treasure.
I have learned...
I always seem to get contemplative when my birthday rolls around, and this time I've been thinking of all that the people in my life have given me. Not things, mind you, but intangibles like lessons learned and character imparted. This is my list, which could be more expansive, but I've listed what in there and now I treasure.
I have learned...
- quiet confidence from my husband
- tenderness from my daughter
- to be strong from my son
- how to study the Bible, know its Truth from faithful pastors
- the power of communicating, from an author
- accepting differences from my sister
- the peace of being myself from a dear friend
- the art of listening from a kindred-spirit friend
- friendship has potential to span years and distance from a sweet friend
- to live simply from my parents
- laughter from the happiest friend
- to keep going from a grieving friend
- kind words are a treasure from a brother
- the power of praying, trusting from a long-time friend
- hospitality from my mother-in-law and stepfather-in-law
- the model of serving from a faithful lady
- living out God’s ways, possible through Jesus Christ, is a worthy life