zinnia beauty and a giveaway
Overnight the Zinnia bed is in full array of color.
I have quite the stash of Zinnia seeds residing in my refrigerator as I had more than enough to seed two flower beds this year. If you are interested in growing Zinnias (an annual flower that grows in full sun) I'd like to give you some seeds for next year's planting (it's a bit late to start this year). They are easy to store (I keep mine in the 'frig) and easy to grow (just water frequently and weed) providing beauty throughout the Summer.
If you'd like to receive some Zinnia seeds, please leave a comment telling me what you enjoy growing in your yard, be it flower or vegetable, or if you are unable to garden right now what you hope to one day grow. I'll draw two names and tell you who has won the seeds on Sunday, July 1.