a spring birthday

A discussion between Anne Shirley and Diana Barry from Anne of Avonlea by L.M. Montgomery.
“I was just on my way over to invite you to help me celebrate my birthday on Saturday,” said Anne.
“Your birthday? But your birthday was in March!” [Diana]
“That wasn’t my fault,” laughed Anne. “If my parents had consulted me it never would have happened then. I should have chosen to be born in spring, of course. It must be delightful to come into the world with the mayflowers and violets. You would always feel that you were their foster sister. But since I didn’t, the next best thing is to celebrate my birthday in the spring.”

My daughter and I are reading this book right now, and when we came to this passage about Anne celebrating her late Winter birthday in Spring I had to laugh. Maybe my Spring birthday explains my love for all things floral and fauna, and my habit of adding to our garden collection here at our home. Below are some lovelies we added this past weekend.

 Candy Corn Vine
(See the bloom? Just like candy corn, 
and since someone in our home is addicted to this treat, 
it was fun to plant this annual vine.)

Morning Glory
(I've always wanted to grow Morning Glory. 
It is an annual vine, which means it only lasts for one growing season.
I'll see if I enjoy it enough to purchase it every year.)

German Chamomile
(Chamomile is one of my favorite teas to drink.
I have high expectations of this plant providing tea 
for the Winter months.)
