snow, potatoes, contemplating

As she plays Snowflake on the piano, I glance tentatively outside hoping the forecasted snow will not fall. The unseasonably hot weather of last Spring made the hydrangeas bloom early and brown early. The peonies of 2012 did not bloom, but shriveled in the heat. I'd really like to see and smell those peonies this year.

We have covered the now sprouted potato plants, our newest gardening endeavor, in the hope that the snow and cold will be held at bay. Every other plant in the yard, too many to name, are at the mercy of the weather.

potato sprouts

I spend my days raising children (mostly) and growing vegetables (minimally). As a lady who leans toward what is sure, settled, controlled I have given myself to days involving many changing variables.

My children are getting older and I am now thinking about what my husband and I have already given them, and if you are thinking in monetary, materialistic terms, you are wrong. There is more foundation to set in these lives, and I am thinking and reading about what is best to do with my time, their time.

When my children were younger, and my husband and I begged God for wisdom, we leaned toward a life where we were present in their lives, gave them good books to read and fresh air to breathe. As I continue this life it is reassuring to find people who had the same thoughts years before and wrote books on the subject. It's a way for me not to feel alone in this pursuit, and to gain wisdom from those who have gone before me.

I am currently reading A Thomas Jefferson Education by Oliver DeMille and Teach Your Own by John Holt. Holt's book makes me realize how much I take for granted as a homeschooling mother, and all that so many families fought for thirty years ago so that I can freely homeschool my children today. DeMille's book emphasizes mentoring and classic books as the core elements to a good education. His book is giving me perspective as we are inching up to the young adult years of education. His book inspires and encourages me to continue life-long learning myself, and I am hopeful to impart that love of learning to my own children.

The snow is now coming down. More than one plant is looking sad. Fair, sunny weather is not promised, no matter the season. What is comforting on a day like this, this odd, cold day of May, is that we were diligent on the sunny, warm days. We nurtured the ground, the plants, We did our best with what we were given. We covered those dear potatoes. I'm also glad, that although tempted, we have not planted tomatoes or peppers, which would no doubt be ruined by this snowy onslaught. Me? I'll choose to enjoy a cozy, indoor day and drink another cup of coffee.

 When someone is taught the joy of learning 
it becomes a lifelong process that never stops, 
a process that creates a logical individual. 
That is the challenge and joy of teaching.
Marva Collins
