seasonal goodness

Autumn is here with its cool weather, turning leaves, fires and sweaters. It's time to seize the season, soak up all the goodness there is to offer, take notice of the goodness and be thankful. Each season should be seized, of course, but Autumn is here and gone so quickly. There are garden tasks, but my spirit is already in rest mode; living seasonally now I feel quite in tune with my surrounds ~ grow, grow grow through Spring and Summer ~ rest, rest, rest through Autumn and Winter. However, the 2014 garden is on our minds so I'll push through rest mode and work a bit now so that at the turn of the year I'm not discouraged by what has not been prepared. Below are tidbits of the current goodness.

a certain, handsome someone loves tasks,
including helping me chop vegetables

kids love to draw...
and sometimes like a little direction from library books

moved an extra table to the living room
for more creative opportunities

that don't require cream of tartar, which I never have on hand

hand-me-down strawberries from a friend,
thanks, Heather!
frozen for smoothies at a later date

final barefoot days

still enjoying salads with dinner -
so thankful to grow our own

we love strategy games 'round here!

potato stamped towels made years ago
with the children when were itty-bitty

chopping wood

Listen! the wind is rising,
and the air is wild with leaves.
We have had our summer evenings,
now for October eves.
Humbert Wolfe
P.L.M.: Peoples, Landfalls, Mountains, 1936
