summer biking
Biking is one of my favorite family activities.
I love that we receive exercise, breathe in fresh air, soak up the sunshine and enjoy scenery.
Our Summer weather has been cooler than usual and morning bike rides have been more than tolerable.
We've ridden our favorite loop at Watkins Mill (and survived a downpour while riding!), but have begun to enjoy a trail closer to home, the Indian/Tomahawk Creek trail. It's not a loop, but is paved and mostly flat. It follows the creek which provides cool air especially in the shady, woody parts and multiple, pretty bridges to cross. There are several rest spots along the way (benches at ponds, various parks) which the kids like to take advantage of! (I don't mind them either.)
Last week we rode from approximately 110th street to 119th street. This weekend we rode from 119th to approximately 130th street. That doesn't sound very far, but it's a good number of miles. There are so many trail heads that it's easy to adjust your ride and see a different part of the path for your ride. Next time I'd like to begin further north beginning at 103rd/Roe Park and heading west.
It's a popular trail, mostly for walkers and some riders, but everyone was courteous (meaning people moved out of the way when we came through!), which doesn't always happens on trails. This trail would even be manageable for a short ride with little ones.