
~ Quince ~ Lilac ~ Clematis ~ Forsythia ~ Magnolia ~ 
~ Garlic ~ Onions~ 

Well, the first week of March has been quite something.

The weather has been warm and the blooms of steadfast Spring plants are emerging right on key.

With an up close look, hints of pink, purple, yellow, green are seen. 
All of a sudden, the gray, brown days are highlighted and will soon be ablaze with color.
The turning of the seasons is good.

The garlic is growing, and over 100 onions were planted today to begin our 13th year of gardening.
This is a first, and as with anything planted for the first time,
I'll be amazed, but so encouraged, if successful.

Our work in the basement has an end in sight, maybe next weekend,
and is turning out just as envisioned. 
Then, we'll be ready to really enjoy this emerging Spring.


Susanna said…
My tulips are budding; I just hope they make it. Colorado is notorious to have the most snowfall in March. So lovely to see the promise of Spring!
Rachel said…
Oh, I love tulips but admire them from afar as we don't grow them. Enjoy, Susy!