Creeping Phlox
Sand Cherry
Sand Cherry
Wine Crisp Apple Blossoms (a first!)
more Wine Crisp Apple Blossoms
Creeping Phlox
Burning Bush
Today is what we call a Free Day in our home: the children and I are not succumb to our usual schooling schedule. Our school year will be complete in about four weeks, and I have given "the talk" on the need for diligence and focus until that time. However, spring fever has hit us pretty hard and if we need to take a day, we'll take a day. My son asked if he could simply double up on his daily work to be done sooner. As simple as that sounds, double for him means double for me, so we won't be doing that. I do love that processed that possibility, though.
This morning while the children were preoccupied with old school Nintendo games (they can be downloaded for free, isn't that wonderful?) I took a stroll around the backyard. Camera in hand I took the time to notice the blooms, the growth. The image of rebirth never gets old. What appears dead was actually waiting for the right conditions to produce beauty. The degrees of warmth and streams of light are now just right to draw forth what has been possible all along.