more biking
Biking on two consecutive weekends is one way to make me aware of the fact, by the burning in my legs, that I haven't biked in months. Oh my. But since biking is one of my favorites, the burn is okay because I know it's making me stronger. Last week: 10 miles, temps in the 60's, a sunny and pleasant ride by the suburban creek. This week: 8 miles, temps in the 70's, a sunny and pleasant ride by a state park lake.
So many people were out, but in a good way. On some rides the paths are quite congested with people not observing the rules (basically, get over), but not yesterday. There were joggers, dog walkers, riders, fishermen, kayakers and it was just nice and lovely. There was even a woman caring for her twin babies while her husband and son fished. I think I stared at the babies for a while. Those memories for me are so distant; and while the memories are sweet and good, I'm thankful someone else gets the blessing of caring for babies and that I get to sleep and have adventures with my big kids. There's grace and blessing for each season of life.