second week of october

chicken tortilla soup
with a pureed roasted tomato base

fresh salsa

last of the zinnias

a delightful distraction during math review

mashed potatoes 

last of the cilantro and peppers

volleyball rockstar

cypress vine seed pods

roma tomatoes - awaiting the turn from green to red

The last of the tomatoes, peppers and cilantro have been gathered. The garden has been cleared. Brush has been hauled away.

This is the season of tidying up, preparations finalized knowing the harsh, cold weather months are ahead.

Although a little early to clear the garden, it was the best time for us to do so with a hiking trip planned, hunting season on the horizon and children's events filling the calendar. I've learned that "everything" really does have the potential to be accomplished if I consider 1) what needs to be done 2) what energy and time needs to be devoted and 3) where in the calendar it can fit. I used to be overwhelmed by "all" there was to do as a homeschooling mom and homemaker; then I realized the power of the calendar to assign a specific day(s) for activities, responsibilities. Then, with a specific time designated for a specific task, it was almost like it was already half accomplished. 

So the garden is clear, the freezers are full - a good trade. We need to amend our soil and decide on the "perfect" place to transplant our raspberry canes, but other than that it's time to enjoy the season with the heavy lifting yard jobs complete.
