the spring garden
{crabapple tree}
{grape hyacinth}
{strawberry patch}
{hawthorn tree}
{purple creeping phlox}
{the gardener who taught me everything i know!}
{bleeding heart}
{square foot beds full of vegetables}
There's nothing like the beauty of spring and the home garden to inspire a blog post. Now that we are past April and its many snow days we are on to May days with regular rainfall and high temperatures (which the tomatoes are more happy about than this gardener). Ninety degrees and running the a/c frequently is a bit much for May! However, all the plants are happy with rain, sun and warmth so I shouldn't complain too much.
The perennials all seem happy and the vegetable garden has been planted. The past two years we've reached 500 pounds of produce for the year; maybe this year is when we'll top 600! We were overrun with Japanese beetles last year, a first for us. Mid-year I began using Neem oil spray weekly, which helped the plants affected not to die completely. However, this year I began spraying Neem oil bi-weekly in April and all the plants are flourishing. I spray all the apple trees, raspberry and blackberry canes, Japanese Maple trees and rose bushes. Neem oil is organic and can be used up to the day of harvest.
We are heavy vegetable eaters. I happily purchase vegetables from the grocery when I don't have them available from my own garden or stored in my freezer, however the freshness of our own vegetables can't be beat and my children know and talk about their wonderful flavors too. Such a good gift this is passing along the love of healthy eating.
Squash: Pennsylvania Dutch Crookneck, Gelber Englischer Custard, Striata d'Italia & Yellow Scallop
Beans: Golden Wax & Calima Bush
Cucumbers: Large Dutch Yellow & Japanese Long
Carrots: Danvers & Parisienne
Greens: Russian Red Kale, Kale Trochuda, Endive, Rocky Top Lettuce, Bloomsdale Spinach & Dwarf Siberian Kale
Potatoes: Canela Russet & Pinto Gold
Onions: Stuttgarter
Garlic: Inchelium Red
Tomatoes: Roma, Early Girl, Better Boy, Yellow Pear, Red Grape, Red Cherry &
Sweet Peppers: Mini Red & Orange
Chester Thornless Blackberries
Raspberries (variety unkown)
Strawberries (variety unknown)
Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Granny Smith & Wine Crisp apple trees
Orange Mint
Lemon Balm