final blooms and vegetables harvests, gently puttling the garden to rest ~ this is what october has been for us as gardeners.
many, many plants {@100!} have been divided and transplanted, mostly raspberries, hydrangeas and altheas. over time plants grow and for their own health need to be divided allowing the garden to grow without denting the gardeners' budget {from purchasing}, only hurting his/her back {from digging}.
the garden soil has been amended with compost, horse manure, wood ash and leaves.
the final squash, green beans, carrots and herbs have been harvested. we'll continue gather and enjoy kale until the frost kills it.
two more cattle panel arches have been added for squash, as well as two trellises {one wood, one metal ~ upcycled from an old box spring mattress} for clematis vines.
plans for a small screened in outdoor buiding have been discussed, and we'll what comes of these thoughts before spring.
we are, as always, thankful for the ability to grow a portion of our own vegetables, fruit and flowers. for some this type of activity is in the spirit of making a statement, political or otherwise, but for us, it simply lends itself to a healthy lifestyle and makes me, as a mother and head chef (!), that much more aware of what we are consuming, our nutritional habits, and understanding it is always wise to live life slowly, thoughtfully.
2021 Garden ~ 482 lbs.
Beets - 7 lbs. (record #)
Blackberries - 12 lbs.
Carrots - 16 lbs.
Cucumbers - 2 lbs.
Eggplant - 3 lbs.
Garlic - 4 lbs.
Green Beans - 28 lbs. (record #)
Greens - 30 lbs. (Red Russian Kale, Spinach, Endive, Cabbage, Swiss Chard)
Potatoes - 121 lbs. (Rose Gold: 14, Fingerling: 9, Canela Russet: 31, Purple Viking: 67) (record #)
Snow Peas - 15 lbs. (record #)
Squash - 46 lbs. (record #)
Strawberries - 10 lbs.
Stuttgarter Onions - 29 lbs. (record #)
Tomatoes - 159 lbs. (Cherry: 19, Roma: 105, Sandwich: 35)
Dehydrated - Sage, Thyme, Mint, Oregano, Parsley, Basil, Chamomile, Rosemary, Marjoram
Preserved - Herb Butter, Blackberry Jelly, Basil Pesto, Roasted Tomato Salsa