L'il Reader

Ella has begun the Summer Reading Program at our local library. This week she completed her first reading list and was able to pick out her first free book, a new Cam Jansen mystery. Look at that smile!


Reba said…
Go Miss El! I love the library's program, and give it much credit for my life-long love of reading. Grab those books, a blanket, and hit the yard, I say!
Yeah, that thing was awesome. Go Ella!
Abby said…
Emma still hates to read. Sigh. I think she might be allergic to books.....
Jess said…
Abby! What about other forms of reading...does she like magazines? I just found out that you can check out back issues of magazines at the library. I've seen animal/nature magazines that I might try sometime.
Jess said…
Oops that comment was Rach...I forgot to switch who was signed in...
Abby said…
She comes by it naturally. She has two Grandpa's that hate to read. And a couple of cousins too.

It used to irritate me to no end. But she knows how to read. That is what matters. I do not push it.

Emma is a literal person. One day she may be inclined to read non-fiction. She is not much interested in anything that is not concrete.

I asked her today what she liked about our current schooling. She said math and science. I asked about reading, writing, English, vocabulary and she gagged.

It is what it is. Just reaffirms though that home schooling is best. If I stick her in school they will force her to read a lot. I fear that will kill the love of learning she does have.