the april garden ~ 2021.


Oh, spring, you are so lovely. 

April has been a mixture of snowy days, rainy days, sunny days, overcast days, windy days, warm days, hot days, cold days. Living in the Midwest means you expect any and all weather, hunkering down on the extreme weather days and fulling living up the moderate, almost perfect ones. 

Somehow my memories are mostly lingering of April being a wonderful month in the garden.

As is our style, we have constructed yet another new garden bed, mostly for perennial flower bushes and trees, but a couple of teepees will hold pole green beans. 

We have planted potatoes, onions, kale, spinach,  snow peas, tomatoes, basil, chamomile, parsely, rosemary, eggplant, peony poppies, nastiurtiums, cosmos, morning glory and zinnias. 

We've enjoyed the stunning blooms of Magnolia, Strawberry plants, Quince, Daffodil, Forsythia, Sand Cherry, Grape Hyacinth, Dogwood, Crabapple and Yoshino Flowering Cherry and are anticipating the Peonies by Mother's Day.

We've gathered kale, spinach and onions already from the garden and are still using eggplant, tomatoes, snow peas, peppers, blackberries and garlic from last year's garden. 

Still to plant are carrots, beets, squash, green beans, and {many, many} flowers. 

The other day our son mentioned his interest in having a garden when he is an adult living on his own. This was a very sweet thing to hear! We have simply incorporated this as our lifestyle, not even requiring the children to assist with much tending of the garden. (I think the best way to discourage gardening is to have someone help with weeding!) There are benefits and wisdom to growing one's own food and it was nice to hear our son acknowledge that!

2021 Garden

Stuttgarter Onions - 1 lb.

Red Russian Kale - 4 lbs.
